Warriors of Poseidon:
Book 6:
Atlantis Betrayed: Christophe and Lady Fiona Campbell the Scarlett Ninja

Christophe didn’t particularly like humanity and didn’t particularly like protecting it from itself. If humanity was stupid enough to destroy itself who was he to stop it and he had experienced firsthand how cruel humanity could be. Christophe is bored, bored with his “job” and bored with life, he is ready for something exciting and different and he hopes stealing the Siren will give him the excitement. It’s something different from killing vampires and saving human from themselves. Lady Fiona Campbell is the Scarlett Ninja the beloved cat burglar of the United Kingdom, only no one knows it’s really her. Her current job is to steal the Siren a gem in the Vanquish sword. This is not her typical kind of job but the world “money is no object” were uttered and she is not the type of girl to turn that down. When she is out scouting her job the impossible happens she is spotted by a gorgeous hunk of man who is trying to steal her Siren and makes her so now she has a man encroaching on her job AND he knows who she really is. This cannot be good, everything she has built could be tumble down around her and her family. Christophe cannot believe that the Scarlett Ninja is a women and Scottish to boot. This job is looking up! Fiona has to be one of the most beautiful women he has ever seen and he is drawn to her like no other. So what is a man to do except to follow her home. Fiona can’t believe the man from the museum found her at home so fast, what is she going to do, he can ruin everything! Christophe knows he has her now she will do anything to keep her identity safe and he realizes he needs her for this job so he purposes they become partners; only to realize the next day that the Vanquish has already been stolen. Now Fiona and Christophe have to steal the stolen object and it brings them in the middle of a vampire, Fae and Shifter dispute. They have to figure out who has their gem and fast before all-out war breaks out.
I have to admit I was not so much excited about this novel when it came out. Christophe was my least favorite of the Warriors so I wasn’t that interested in his story. By the 30th page my opinion of Christophe turned around. It turns out Christophe can be a charming man when he wants to be with a sense of humor to boot! By the end of the book you love him as much as the other warriors. Fiona is a kick arse women, she is the world’s greatest cat burglar, a children’s author and illustrator and philanthropist as well as can tame the surly Christophe all while looking fantastic. All in a day’s work for our heroine! There is plenty of action is this novel so you are never bored. The only thing was the ending, I was left with unanswered questions like what is Christophe going to do with all his magic? But besides that it was a highly enjoyable novel.
4.0 moons out of 5
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