Chicagoland Vampires:
Book 5:
Drink Deep: Merit

I am afraid of giving anything away, so I am not going to write the summary this time.
Clouds are brewing over Cadogan House, and recently turned vampire Merit can’t tell if this is the darkness before the dawn or the calm before the storm. With the city iself in turmoil over paranormals and the state threatening to pass a paranormal registration act, times haven’t been this precarious for vampires since they came out of the closet. If only they could lay low for a bit, and let the mortals calm down.That’s when the waters of Lake Michigan suddenly turn pitch black-and things really start getting ugly.Chicago’s mayor insists it’s nothing to worry about, but Merit knows only the darkest magic could have woven a spell powerful enough to change the very fabric of nature. She’ll have to turn to friends old and new to find out who’s behind this, and stop them before it’s too late for vampires and humans alike.
So after I was left in a cliff hanger from Hard Bitten I was eagerly awaiting this installment of the Chicagoland Vampires. I would have to say I was not disappointed with this book at all, there was plenty going on to keep me entertained for the duration. I’m sure the first and foremost on your mind is, Ethan. Is he brought back? Does he stay dead? And the answer is…. No way am I telling you that! You have to read to find that out, I’m not going to be the one to spoil it. Lol I can say that Ethan is very much felt in this book, Merit keeps Ethan’s presence throughout the book through her memories and deep sense of loss. She is definitely feeling the loss of her partner; however, we are not left without any man candy. For this book, we have the sexy Jonah; he is definitely making his flesh and blood presence felt. I personally like Jonah; he is sexy and funny and picks up where Ethan left off as a potential partner, lover and friend. In previous books I have always adored Mallory and Catcher, in this book both are stressed to the max with Mallory’s testing, so my quirky, funny Mallory isn’t the same. Catcher is still sexy in all of his glory. I definitely would not kick him out of bed. I was also missing out on Gabriel, I like the shifters but they were mostly missing in this book. We do however get some intriguing newbies in the Elves, Siren and Nymphs (well they aren’t new but are always entertaining). A lot goes on in this book to keep it moving along, Lake Michigan turns black along with the river; the sky looks as though it is on fire, mountains rise in the middle of the city and magick runs amuck… Regardless of what you want the outcome to be, you won’t be bored with this book.
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