Taig and Lealandra

Click Here to Order on Amazon: Felicity E. Heaton: Ascension 
Lealandra is one of the most powerful witches in her coven
and possibly in the world, and that was before her ascension which is rapidly
approaching. At the time of an Ascension a powerful witches Power will
dramatically increase, this time puts the witch’s very life jeopardy. Many
don’t survive their Ascension especially without their counter balance, which
Lealandra’s was killed several weeks ago. So, not only does she have to deal
with her Ascension but now she has someone trying to kill her if the Ascension
doesn’t first. Not trusting her coven
and having nowhere else to go, Lealandra goes to the one person she knows will
protect her with their life, her ex-lover Taig. Taig is half human and half
demon with immense Power; he is also a demon hunter. For six years he has been
waiting patiently for Lea to come back to him. He knows he has what she needs,
that no one in her coven can provide her. He has only been waiting for her to
realize it as well. Now, he finally has what he’s been waiting for in his grasp
and he is not going to let anyone or anything take that from him, not even
I absolutely adored this book. I found it while doing my free Kindle eBooks
post and as soon as I read the description I knew this book was going to be the
next one that I read even though I’ve had other books waiting that I’m behind
on. I read the description and it just clicked with me. First, I love witches;
they are some of my favorites of the paranormal world. Then I secretly have a
guilty pleasure for demons. Well I guess it’s not secret anymore. Lol. I know a lot of readers aren’t that into
demons, but me, I’m about it. They ride that very fine line between being evil
and “good”. A demon is the quintessential “Bad Boy”. Taig is no exception to this. Then we have
the rekindling a romance, plotline which is yet another one of my
weaknesses. I love when a couple finds
their way back together. I think I like it because it’s a bit more believable
then two people meeting for the 1st time and falling in love within 48
hours. Here is a couple that had 6
incredible months together, only for Lea to leave Taig thinking she needed a
coven to help her with her Power, but now she’s unsure that was what she really
I liked Lealandra as a character and as our heroine. She was strong and could stand up against
Taig, she did not let him walk all over her. She is a woman confident in her
power but for the most part knows her limitations and she knows she needs Taig
to help her. She has crazy amounts of Power and she is not afraid to use it.
Lea has a bit of a dark side that she has been repressing since she left Taig,
I love when she lets it out to play. I
can’t stand a too perfect goodie-goodie character, people should have
flaws. Lea definitely is flawed, she has
her insecurities and issues, but you know she has a good heart and grit. Towards the beginning of the book I had to have a small talk with Lea in my
head (Hey, I’m not crazy! I just had to talk some sense into the poor girl.
Don’t judge me! Lol). She was having thoughts that Taig had to prove to her,
but she left him, not the other way around, so why would he do all the work?? I
just didn’t understand that mentality but understood the fear behind her. But, thankfully, my girl got with the program
and realized she left him and she was going to have to put in some work if she
wanted him back. She knows she made a huge mistake and acknowledges that she
broke both her own heart and his when she left, but she realizes if survives
this ascension Taig is worth the risk to her heart even though she may not
survive the heartbreak if he rejects her.
Taig is a demon after my own heart; he just might be one of
my new favorite book boyfriends. He is just the right combination of dangerous,
alpha, hard ass to good hearted and vulnerable.
Half human and half demon has left Taig with a terrible feeling of
belonging nowhere and caught between two worlds. His parents disappeared when
he was 13 which increased his feelings of belonging nowhere and
abandonment. When Lealandra, left him he
was really left with no one and ice has surrounded his heart ever since. She
was the first that he ever let get that close to him and it about broke him
when she left, now Fort Knox has nothing on his barricades around his heart. We
watch Taig with his internal struggle against his natural instinct to close
himself off and not believe that he is good enough for anyone. You really hope for Taig to find some inner
peace within himself, because you know he’s worthy and Lealandra knows he is
her everything and his demon side never scared her, now all we need is for Taig
to get with the program. One of the
things I liked most about Taig is yes he is an alpha male and has the
overwhelming urge to protect; however, he is not a slave to the feeling. He can also sit back and watch as Lealandra,
does work and kicks some ass. How sexy
is that! Oh and he has wings! I LOVE the dark wings that retract like Aeron had
in the Lords of the Underworld. There is
just so much that is sexy about this character I could keep going on but I
won’t, I’ll let you read the book so you can fall in love with Taig as well.
Ok, so is this book all sunshine and rainbows, no, it is a
little rough around the edges; however, quite frankly I didn’t care, I was too
caught up in the story. In my last
review I mentioned how I tend to get caught up in holes in plots,
inconstancies, etc… If, the story doesn’t pick me up and sweep me away until I
am so engrossed that I barely notice; this is what happened with this book as
soon as something registered the thought was gone and I was right back in the
story. What I also enjoyed with this book is F. Heaton was not afraid to use
magic. So often when we have magic welding characters they don’t use their
powers that often; the magic is often an afterthought. Heaton liberally uses
magic within the story, its apart of the story like its apart of the
characters. Also, when Heaton leads us into battle it’s not a wimpy battle
almost over before it starts, but a real battle with causalities and victories
which lasts longer then a brief page or two.
There is no easing you into this book, from the first page you are smack
dab in the middle of action, action I wouldn’t have minded being in the middle
well maybe not the middle (haha) and it keeps on rocking until the last
page. I was so sad when the book was
over and then I saw it was considered a single title not a part of a series and
then I was even sadder. I wasn’t ready to let Taig and Lealandra go, I’m still
not ready to let them go. There is still open issues and damnit I want more! I
want a prequel and at least another book; they have some unfinished business to
take care of and more asses to kick. Pretty please F.E. Heaton if you see this,
please take pity on me and continue this story you know you have at least one
person that will read the next book. *smiles*

Amanda, thanks for the great review! I'm glad you picked up the book when it was on offer.
ReplyDeleteI do have another two books planned for Taig and Lealandra, and I'll be writing them as soon as I can. I had other series that needed my attention and I had to focus on them, but I'm planning the second book in the Shadow & Light Trilogy now and will get writing it for release in 2013.
I am so thrilled to hear that!!! You just made my day and it was my pleasure to read your work! seriously I'm still cheering on the inside. Whoot Whoot