Book 1:
The Reluctant Amazon: Rebecca Massee and Artair MacKay

Purchase on Amazon: Sandy James - The Reluctant Amazon
The last thing Rebecca Massee expects on her wedding day is to go from jilted kindergarten teacher to Amazonian Earth warrior. But when she causes an earthquake after her groom says I don’t, she discovers that not only does she possess incredible powers, she is one of four lost chosen sisters who must fight to keep humanity safe from rogue gods and demons. Luckily she has help: ruggedly handsome Scottish warrior Artair MacKay, her protector and teacher.
An immortal, Artair has trained countless warriors for more than four hundred years. He understands Rebecca’s confusion at the new world she’s been thrust into and worries she is too emotionally vulnerable, but that doesn’t stop his growing feelings for the beautiful and fearless woman.
When an evil force threatens to destroy the Amazons, Rebecca must claim her full powers--but they come at a cost. Can she sacrifice the man she loves if it means saving the world?
So, I didn’t actually finish this book. It is a DNF for me, it’s not that the book was bad, but that it was kind of boring. I got about 65% of the way through and I just couldn’t dredge up any more enthusiasm to continue the book. I kept thinking about all the other books I had waiting for me, screaming to be read and I just clicked off this book and never picked it up again.
Why was this book boring you ask, I think it mostly has to do with our heroine, who mostly whines throughout the book… Ok, yes, she kept with her training to be an Amazon, which is a redeemable quality but dang she whined a lot. Whined that she wasn’t good enough or pretty enough or Megan was so much better, whined that Artair was leaving or that there was no way he could care about her, blah blah blah… On top of being a whiner our heroine was completely forgettable, I had a hard time even remembering her name while I was reading, that is really bad. I get forgetting the heroines name after the book is done, but while you are reading, that’s all sorts of forgettable; there was nothing that stuck out about her. Then there were the fight scenes which again were pretty much a snooze fest. They basically fight zombies, which they call something else but I can’t remember the name of them. The zombies felt contrived, was this the author’s way of trying to get in on the current zombie craze?
This book, had such potential, I really wanted to like it. The Amazons were an interesting concept along with all the gods and goddesses. I wish this book had lived up to its potential. I did quite like Megan who was Fire, she was everything Fire should be feisty, headstrong and brash. If I was this author I would have started with Megan’s story, she had the personality to stick out. I may look out for this series to see if Megan’s story will come out next, maybe…
*Copy provided by NetGalley for an honest review.
Rating: DNF

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