Blurb for Beyond Ruin
The sectors will never be the
Adrian Maddox fled his royal life—and tragic past—in Sector One,
choosing instead to join up with the O’Kanes. For years, he’s lived by one
rule: love fast, love hard, and always be willing to walk away. He’s managed to
guard his heart, keep it whole and untouched—until now.
They couldn’t be more different—Dylan, the brilliant, burned-out doctor
from Eden who drowns his pain with drugs and self-destruction. Scarlet, the
sensuous, sexy rocker from Three, a woman unafraid to embrace the world. And
Jade, the whore turned spy from Sector Two, who battled addiction and came out
stronger than anyone he’s ever met.
Separately, they make Mad long to open his heart, to tumble head-first
into a sea of possibilities and wild love. Together, they make him burn, inside
and out, with lust and unbearable, unimaginable pleasure.
Then one fateful moment shakes their world to its foundations—and
leaves the sectors on the verge of all-out war with Eden. It’s the biggest
fight the O’Kanes have ever faced, and Mad and his lovers are at the dead
center of it. They could end up with everything they never knew they wanted—or
lose it all. Including their lives.
Beyond Ruin:
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18392421-beyond-ruin
On Kit's site: http://kitrocha.com/book/beyond-ruin/
On Kit's site: http://kitrocha.com/book/beyond-ruin/
Kit Rocha
Website: http://www.kitrocha.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thebrokencircle
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kitrocha
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thebrokencircle
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/kitrocha
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