Saturday, August 1, 2015

Review: Revenant by Larissa Ione

RevenantBlaspheme and Revenant 

(Lords of Deliverance #6)

Revenant (Lords of Deliverance, #6; Demonica, #11)



For five thousand years, Revenant believed he was alone in the world, a fallen angel beyond any redemption. Now he finds he has a twin brother who had all the light and love Revenant was denied. Caught in a tug of war between Heaven and Hell, he must weigh his thirst for revenge against his desire for a mysterious female named Blaspheme—a female whose very origins could deliver him into salvation . . . or destruction.


Blaspheme has a deadly secret: she's the forbidden offspring of an angel and a fallen angel. Hunted by both heavenly and satanic forces, she has survived only by laying low and trusting no one. When Revenant claims he can save them both, how can she possibly believe him? But the powerful angel is persistence incarnate and for Blaspheme, there's no place she can hide in Heaven or Hell where he won't find her . .

Ok, it has been a while since I read this book so some of the details are fuzzy but the feeling of the book remains the same and it was AWESOME! Larissa Ione always weaves a fantastic tale; her world building is so rich and developed. Each book stacks onto the next creating a world so detailed you almost feel like you’re there. I’m a total Ione fan girl! She never disappoints and is one of the masters of the Paranormal Romance genre.

Blaspheme and Revenant meet in Reavers book before Revenant gets his memory book and being the asshole he is Revenant totally insults Blaspheme within 30 seconds but for some reason even then you kick up a corner of your mouth and know that Ione is starting her magic right then. She’s setting the stage for an epic romance and epic it turns out to be. At the end of REAVER, Revenant gets 3000 years of memories back and finds out he has a twin brother in Reaver and this is the beginning of an epic family feud.   REVENANT takes you on a journey through heaven and hell, literally; from the deepest depths of hell, to the heavenly skies. The story is as action packed as previous books with battles raging, backstabbing, reluctant alliances and torture. You definitely won’t get bored with this one.  Blaspheme and Revenant are one of those reluctant alliances; well at least Blaspheme is reluctant. In the beginning she wants nothing to do with Revenant, but it can’t be helped when she is cornered and Revenant saves her life. Blaspheme is posing as a false angel to hide her true identity but her façade is fading and fading fast and now her life is being threatened not just by heavenly angels but by demons from hell as well. Revenant is strong, one of the strongest beings on earth, heaven and hell. Few could best him and he is determined to protect Blaspheme, as he sees that as his way into her pants. Revenant is an ass, from beginning to end he remains true to form but he does soften towards Blaspheme. Blaspheme is a snarky bad ass from beginning to end. She doesn’t take Revenants shit and maybe that is the initial attraction, but soon their relationship deepens despite all the lies and half-truths from both of them. I loved both Blaspheme and Revenant; they have become one of my favorite couples of this series.  Get ready for some twists and turns and a couple of surprises. If you haven’t read this series… what are you waiting for? You need to start, from the beginning of the Demonica series. You wont regret it!

**book provided for an honest review. No other compensation was provided. 

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