Guardians of Eternity:
Book 5:
Darkness Unleashed: Jagr and Regan Garrett

Jagr is a half feral, self imposed recluse he can go centuries without talking to any other Vampire. All he wants is to be left alone with his research; which is understandable after 300 years of extreme torture. Regan is Darcy’s twin who was abducted as a baby and sold to an Imp, who tortures and keeps her in a tiny cage for 30 years. After being rescued all Regan wants is to kill he Imp that held her captive her whole life and to live life of freedom for the first ever, she wants no ties to hold her back, not from her sister and certainly not with a temperamental vampire. Darcy is concerned about the sister she never met and has Styx send someone to make sure she comes to Chicago unharmed. Knowing Jagr’s history, Styx orders Jagr to bring Regan back without harming a hair on her head. Jagr easily finds Regan and the pyrotechnics between the two starts immediately. Regan is determined to get her revenge and Jagr is just as determined to bring her back to Chicago and out of his presence ASAP. Jagr begrudging decides to help Regan get her revenge and from then on chaos ensues!
Jagr is my favorite male in this series so far; he is just so dark and brooding but treats Regan with so much patience and understanding. Regan is a worthy female for Jagr, she is quick witted, strong and won’t take any crap from anybody, not after the way she has spent the last 30 years. There is a battle of wills and hearts between these two all while battling rogue Curs that are determined to get their hands on Regan. There is not a dull moment in this novel and the clashes between Regan and Jagr as well as the battles with the Curs will keep the pages turning! You will also see the return of some of your favorite characters of books past.

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